Palm oil is a type of edible vegetable oil derived from the palm fruit, grown on the African oil palm tree. This tropical tree species originated in West Africa, but now grows as a hybrid plant in many parts of the world, including South East Asia, Central America and South America.
As an ingredient, palm oil is found in at least four out of 10 household products. Worldwide palm oil consumption is doubling every 10 years. This oil is produced from palm oil plantations that continue the practice of cutting down critical wildlife habitat to expand operations, mainly in Malaysia and Indonesia. More than 85 percent of all palm oil globally produced and exported is from Indonesia and Malaysia, where the palm oil industry is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change, animal cruelty and human rights abuses.Large-scale deforestation linked to unsustainable palm oil practices is pushing many species to extinction. Animal species worldwide that are connected to your favorite Zoo animals - including Asian elephants Savannah and Juno, Sumatran orangutans Ibu, Khaleesi and Butch, and Malayan tigers Seri, Belahat, Melor - could go extinct in the wild if nothing changes and the palm oil industry continues its current practices.
Be a consumer conservationist: Conservation is people. Sustainable
agriculture is the only way to stop the damage to the rainforest while helping
farming communities.
- . Only purchase certified sustainable palm oil products, or products that are palm oil free.
- . Write to restaurants and companies and ask them to support certified sustainable palm oil and palm oil free products.
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