Thursday, April 23, 2015

It's A GIRL!!!


 The El Paso Zoo is ecstatic to welcome the first Sumatran orangutan born at the Zoo. 
Ibu and Butch welcomed their first baby overnight. 

“I am so proud of our staff for preparing so diligently. The training and preparation seems to have paid off with a successful birth. This is a huge milestone for the El Paso Zoo and for our community. This is a historic conservation achievement for the Zoo, and an important contribution to the conservation of this endangered species,” Zoo Director Steve Marshall said.

Ibu and the baby are doing well. Ibu is doing a great job for a first-time mom and is very attentive and gentle. She is doing everything right. She cleaned the baby, is holding her appropriately and the baby appears to be nursing. The baby is also holding on to mom with a tight grip.

Ibu’s keepers have worked with her for two years to prepare her for motherhood - and it seems to have paid off. Ibu is voluntarily presenting the baby to staff when asked, which allowed a keeper to assist Ibu in cutting the umbilical cord.

“We got great surprise this morning when we came in and found a baby in Ibu’s arms. We want to thank the community for helping us prepare Ibu for this very important step in her life. The donation of plush orangutans helped us with her training and she’s doing an amazing job. We couldn’t have done it without the community’s help and support,” said Griselda Martinez, Collections Supervisor.

The baby was expected in late May and its arrival surprised staff. It does not appear the baby is premature. Predicting orangutan births is complicated because predictions are based on physical observations that can be variable. Veterinary staff used sonograms, but there is not enough data yet to make an exact prediction. Ibu’s baby will help contribute to the data that will be used to better predict future orangutan births.

“We’re really proud of Ibu for doing this all on her own, but we’re a little ‘upset’ at her for surprising us so early. Most of all, we’re relieved that they are both doing so great,” said Dr. Victoria Milne, Zoo Veternarian. 

Zoo staff has been planning a baby shower for Ibu on Mother’s Day in conjunction with the international M.O.M. (Missing Orangutan Mothers) event.  Guests will have the opportunity to support the couple with love at the baby shower, even though the baby has already been born. The baby shower will be held 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, May 10. The baby naming contest will kick off at the event, and a baby registry will soon be available for the community to show their love and support.

According to the birthing plan, the Zoo is allowing Ibu and the baby to bond behind the scenes. The Zoo will assess their progress in a few weeks to determine when mommy and baby may be on exhibit.

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