Friday, October 7, 2016

Orangutan-Friendly Halloween Candy!

There are many delicious and delectable choices when you’re are running up and down the candy aisle stocking up for this year’s spooky holiday. On Halloween, our children go on a little adventure “trick or treating” for dozens of different kinds of candy dressed as their favorite cartoon characters, superheroes, or even ANIMALS!

Just like any good mom, we always check and make sure those candies are safe. Now, with this shopping list your kid’s candies can be wildlife safe too!

Sumatran orangutans don’t eat candy, but Ibu and her family as conservation ambassadors help us show the dangers that come from the brands of candy that use palm oil as an ingredient.

As we’ve mentioned before, palm oil is an edible vegetable oil grown on the African oil palm tree which now grows around the world especially many parts of South East Asia. Orangutans once thrived in these parts, but are now facing more challenges than ever with increasing unsustainable palm oil practices and palm oil plantations burning essential rainforest habitats to expand the increasing demand for the product.

More than 85% of all palm oil globally produced and exported is from Indonesia and Malaysia, where the palm oil industry is linked to major world issues, including: rapid deforestation, climate change, habitat degradation, and animal cruelty.

When you shop sustainable, you help save orangs like Ibu, Butch and Khaleesi!
The El Paso Zoo has focused on Sumatran orangutan conservation efforts with great support from the El Paso Zoological Society Conservation Fund. All these funds have gone to development programs that aid in both saving and relocating hundreds of orangutans in Indonesia. Also, when you round up at the cash register your money supports saving orangs.
Before you go out and buy Halloween candies make sure to look twice for orangutan-friendly ingredients. You can do your part in rescuing wildlife by purchasing palm oil free candies this Halloween!